- As anna university has already announced the information regarding the first year, first semester syllabus for the year 2012-2013
- Anna university has announced that the students who have joined First year 2012- 2013 has to follow the 2008 Regulation syllabus
- If you want to know more information regarding the First year syllabus Click Here: Infomration Regarding the first year Syllabus for the year 2012-2013
- As now the first year students who have joined in Engineering will be searching for the First Semester syllabus
- I have given you the syllabus for each subjects in each page separately Download it an make use of it
- Stay tuned with learnlego for more information about engineering
- As the First semester syllabus is common for all departments like CSE(Computer Science & Engineering), EEE(Electrical & Electronics Engineering), ECE(Electronics & Communication Engineering),MECH(Mechanical Engineering), IT(Information Technology), EIE(Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering) etc.. etc...
- This applicable to all departments except Marine Engineering
Labels: Anna University, Syllabus